

Moving forward to go backward…

Here come the money rakers… The word out there is California is waging war against unlicensed pot shops and redoubling efforts to stamp out illegal marijuana farms, using National Guard troops. 

One might guess it comes from the lobbying of those who have taken power due to the fact they hold interests in the marijuana market and want to eliminate the competition as well as the Government manipulate the  taxes… But no… you should just assume that it is those in charge do it just protecting your best interest by making sure your marijuana is free of paraquat  (yea – check it out and someone get a lawsuit going) and of course the tax revenue raked in will be going toward something to better your children’s education and do something to make you life better.  But ultimately the farms and shops are illegal and must be squashed by the Army and Air Force…power to the people. 

It is reported that California is sending out the Army and AirForce and wants the feds to help pay for an additional 150 soldiers and airmen from the California Army National Guard for the expanded counter drug operations.

It is also said that Los Angeles calls for big increases in the city’s next budget to boost enforcement of hundreds of marijuana businesses.

The action comes more than a year after recreational marijuana became legal in California and as the state’s regulated industry continues to struggle due to competition from the competitive black market. 

 What’s happens there in California will happen in many more states. In someone’s opinion… In fact if true…the push to take away our freedom to grow and gift is being threatened right now in Michigan by those who already have licenses and disguising it as something it may not be.  It appears to be a move to take total control and change the law the people voted for.  Read Here

what else Could Be going on in California That could use some Real attention?

“Take From The Middle… For There Are A Lot More In The Middle… And Many More Ways To Take.”