
Rescheduling Marijuana Would Be a Huge Threat to Public Health

Rescheduling Marijuana Would Be a Huge Threat to Public Health

Kevin Sabet of Smart Approaches to Marijuana says policy makers need to learn from their mistakes with hemp when considering marijuana rescheduling.

It’s rare for policymakers to get a preview of the consequences of pending policies, but the descheduling of hemp-derived THC products has provided a preview of what is to come if marijuana is rescheduled and commercialized.

As the federal government considers rescheduling marijuana, policymakers should learn from the mistakes that were made in the 2018 Farm Bill. If marijuana is rescheduled—or descheduled—these same harms will be scaled up nationwide and further accelerated by a predatory, profit-driven industry fueled by Wall Street investors.

Just like the legalization of hemp has led to the creation of new psychoactive compounds, the rescheduling of marijuana will grossly threaten public health and safety.

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