
Questions are being raised about the feasibility of marijuana microbusiness licenses in Michigan in the wake of changes to a draft regulatory definition that ultimately reduced production of flowering plants.

To date, however, no permits have been granted for a marijuana microbusiness, a license type that lets a business grow its own supply of up to 150 plants, process that harvest and sell it to consumers – all under one roof.

The microbusiness model would let Michigan small-business owners, including social equity applicants, free themselves from reliance on third-party supply and attendant wholesale-price fluctuations,

Michigan’s established rules for marijuana licensees applied a permit’s plant limit to those that are “mature” – defined as rooted plants 8 inches or larger, regardless of whether the plant is flowering.

“If it’s defined as 150 ‘mature’ plants … it now means (a microbusiness could have) 75 in flower and 75 in a vegetative state, which really doesn’t create a viable business for any small-business owner

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Read the rest of the article here at MJBizDaily