
When IRS 280E no longer influences Cannabis Businesses

When IRS 280E no longer influences Cannabis Businesses

IRS 280E and Marijuana Businesses

What is IRS Section 280E?

Section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code prohibits businesses from deducting standard business expenses from their gross income when distributing Schedule I or II substances under the Controlled Substances Act. But you still have to pay taxes on it.

Benefits for Cannabis Businesses if Reschduling Ever Happens

Reclassifying cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III aligns regulations more accurately and recognizes its lower risk compared to many Schedule II drugs contributing to public health issues.

This shift offers cannabis businesses relief from the onerous limits of Internal Revenue Code Section 280E, allowing for deductions of standard business expenses. By normalizing tax treatments, effective tax rates are reduced, bolstering overall profitability for these businesses.

Advising on Strategic Business Realignments

With the regulatory changes on the horizon, it’s critical for cannabis businesses to reevaluate their entity structure. Transitioning from a C corporation to an S corporation or a partnership offers several advantages, primarily the elimination of double taxation on distributions. This can be significantly more tax-efficient, particularly when considering the sale or transfer of business assets.

For businesses anticipating an increase in value following the reclassification, it is crucial to implement these structural changes before this appreciation occurs. Such proactive adjustments can optimize tax efficiencies and enhance the business’s long-term financial health.

Contact Komorn Law for More Insight

At Komorn Law we specialize in cannabis law, providing strategic advice that anticipates regulatory shifts and leverages them for our clients’ advantage.

Consult with our team to navigate changes effectively and position yourself to capitalize on new opportunities in a more favorable legal environment.

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