Pennsylvania has one of the nation’s highest rates of supervision, driven by unusual laws that leave judges unchecked. But many people fail, ending up in jail or in a cycle of ever more probation.
By Samantha Melamed and Dylan Purcell
October 24, 2019
In Pennsylvania, as across the country, crime rates have fallen to their lowest point in decades.But over that same time, the rate of incarceration in Pennsylvania state prisons and county jails nearly quadrupled …… while the number on probation or parole also grew almost four times larger, to 290,000 people.
Counting jail, prison, probation, and parole, Pennsylvania now has the nation’s second-highest rate of people under correctional control. Probation and parole account for three-quarters of that — a phenomenon critics of mass incarceration call “mass supervision.”
Nationwide, one in 55 adults is on probation or parole.In Pennsylvania, that’s one in 35 adults.In Philadelphia: one in 23 adults.African American adults in Philadelphia are disproportionately impacted. One in 14 is under supervision.
Philadelphia’s county supervision rate is the highest of any big city — and 12 times the rate of New York City.PENNSYLVANIA PROBATION, PAROLE, AND INCARCERATION RATES PER 100,000 Probation and parole rate
Note: Calculations for parole and probation rates were estimated for years 1991-93.RATE OF CORRECTIONAL CONTROL PER 100,000
SOURCE: The Prison Policy Initiative, “Correctional Control 2018”
Read the rest and see more stats HERE
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Probation is meant to keep people out of jail. But intense monitoring leaves tens of thousands across the state at risk of incarceration.
When it comes to probation, Pennsylvania has left judges unchecked to impose wildly different versions of justice.
Courts recognize substance-use disorder is a disease. Yet some judges continue punishing relapse with ever-longer probation and even prison.
Don’t you ever forget the business of law enforcement and “rehabilitation” is a business! Here is one way you can protect yourself.
Michigan’s DOC Website – and it’s not dancing Dick Golden
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LEGAL ADVISORY – Rules, Regulations and laws may have changed after this information was posted. It is up to the reader to research and determine the current status of those items. It is always best to consult an attorney that has experience and is focused on the cannabis industry. One of the most well known law firms in the industry for over 25 years is Komorn Law
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