
Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (Patients)

The Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP) is a state registry program within the Bureau of Marijuana Regulation at Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The program administers the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act as approved by Michigan voters on November 4, 2008.  The program implements the law to protect the public and assure the confidentiality of its participants. 

Mission Statement: To assure that the registration process is conducted efficiently and effectively, consistent with all statutes and administrative rules pertaining to the MMMP.


Applicant/Patient Questions

I'm a current/prospective medical marijuana patient. Should I go to a third-party business to get/renew my registry identification card? Can my application and physician certification serve as a temporary registration card?

The Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP) is a state registry program that administers the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA) as approved by Michigan voters on November 4, 2008. MMMP is a division within the Bureau of Marijuana Regulation (BMR), is separate from the Facilities Licensing Division within BMR, and is governed by a different law.

MMMP is not affiliated with any third-party business operations, “dispensaries,” provisioning centers, caregivers, or certifying physicians and is not associated with any business operation that uses the terms

“Michigan Medical Marijuana Program” or “MMMP” in their name or advertising.

In order to ensure that the registration process is conducted efficiently and effectively – and to allow for the communication of accurate information – individuals with questions regarding the MMMP’s application and registration process should communicate directly with the MMMP by reviewing the FAQs on the MMMP website, emailing, or calling 517-284-6400.

Applicants often receive inaccurate information from third parties that result in their applications being delayed or denied. Third-party business operations which tell patients that their application and physician certification serve as a temporary registration card are putting the patients at risk of possible arrest. As outlined in the MMMA, a patient or caregiver must present their valid registry identification card and a valid driver license – or government-issued identification card with photo – to law enforcement to be protected from arrest. BMR recommends that applicants wait until they receive a registry card before engaging in the medical use of marijuana.

If a patient or caregiver is submitting an application or a change form to the MMMP, it is important to read and follow the instructions for completing the form and include all required supporting documents listed in the instructions. If a patient or caregiver is unsure about the instructions, they should call the MMMP before mailing the documents. It is also important for patients to only submit one application and its supporting documentation per envelope.

If a patient was denied and is reapplying, it is important that they read and follow the instructions in the denial letter and – if they are unsure about the instructions – call the MMMP before mailing the documents. Patients should date the new application on the date they sign it – do not backdate or use the same date that was on the application that was denied.

Patients should not allow other individuals or third parties to submit their applications or any other documents to the MMMP as patients will be unable to determine when or if their applications were submitted. Patients should not allow other individuals or third parties to retain copies of their documents, state-issued driver licenses, personal identification cards, or voter registrations as that increases the possibility of fraudulent submissions.

The MMMP has new, revised applications and forms available on the MMMP website at Applicants, registered patients, and registered caregivers are required to use these forms effective February 1, 2018. Failure to use the new forms after that date will result in a denial or the form being rejected. Those submitting an application or request for changes to his or her registration should only download forms from the MMMP’s website.

While there are currently no licensed provisioning centers in the state of Michigan, patients who wish to acquire medical marijuana or medical marijuana-infused products from licensed provisioning centers in the future must first present a valid registry identification card at the time of purchase.

How much is the application fee?
  • Patient fee: $60
  • If designating a caregiver, include an additional $25 caregiver fee.

The application fee should be a check or money order made payable to: State of Michigan- MMMP.

How can a patient withdraw from the program?

You must complete the Withdrawal Form. The form includes instructions and lists the supporting documentation you must submit with the form. The form can be found on our website at There is no fee to withdraw from the MMMP.

The MMMP will send written notice that a patient’s registration status has been withdrawn. Upon receipt of the written notice, the patient is instructed to destroy the registry identification card. If the patient has a caregiver, the MMMP sends the caregiver written notice that his or her caregiver registry identification card is no longer valid.

When does a patient registry identification card expire?

A patient registry identification card expires on the first day of the month two (2) years after the date the card is issued. The expiration date is listed on the patient registry identification card.

How long does it take to receive a registry identification card?

MCL 333.26426(c) requires that the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP) approve or deny an application within 15 business days of the date the application is received by the MMMP.

MCL 333.26426(e) and administrative rule 333.113(4) require the MMMP to either issue a registry identification card or a denial letter within five (5) business days of the date the application is approved or denied. Therefore, the MMMP has up to 20 business days from the date an application is received to issue a registry identification card or denial letter. “Issue” means that the MMMP has printed and mailed the registry card or denial letter. The MMMA and the administrative rules for the MMMP can be found on our website at

Applicants should allow the United States Postal Service adequate time to deliver their registry identification card or denial letter. If you submitted your application more than 5 weeks ago and have not received your registry card or a denial letter, please contact the MMMP at 517-284-6400.

Do I have to be a resident of the state of Michigan to obtain a patient registry identification card?

Yes. MCL 333.26426(a)(6) requires that you submit a copy of one of the following as proof of Michigan residency:

  • A copy of your valid, lawfully obtained Michigan driver license issued under the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.1 to 257.923, or
  • A copy of your valid, lawfully obtained Michigan personal identification card issued under 1972 PA 222, MCL 28.291 to 28.300, or
  • A copy of your valid Michigan voter registration
    • Note:If you submit a voter registration as proof of Michigan residency, you must submit proof of your identity for verification purposes. Proof of identity can be any government-issued document that includes your name and date of birth.
    • Note: We will not accept an expired driver license or personal identification card.
What medical conditions are eligible?
  • See MCL 333.26423(b) for a list of debilitating medical conditions that qualify a person for the medical use of marihuana. The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA) can be found on our website at


  • In addition to the conditions listed in the MMMA, the Department has approved Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a debilitating medical condition.
Do I need to keep a copy of the documents (application form, physician certification form, or required supporting documents) I send to the MMMP?

Yes. We strongly recommend that you retain copies of any documents you submit to the MMMP.

I have an active patient registry identification card. How do I add a caregiver or change to a different caregiver? How much is the fee?

Prior to your renewal period (more than 60 days before your card is due to expire)

You must complete the Add or Change Caregiver Form. The form includes instructions and lists the supporting documentation you must submit with the form. The form can be found on our website at

Add or Change Caregiver Form fee:

  • $35

During your renewal period (less than 60 days before your card is due to expire):

You must complete your renewal application and provide the required caregiver information and supporting documents. Your new card will reflect the changes you request. Renewals and new applications are submitted using the same form. The MMMP Application Packet can be found on our website at

Application fees:

  • Patient fee: $60
  • If designating a caregiver, include an additional $25 caregiver fee.
I have an active patient registry identification card and I recently divorced/married/changed my name. How do I update my name on my registry card? How much is the fee?

Prior to your renewal period (more than 60 days before your card is due to expire):

You must complete the Change Name or Address Form. The form includes instructions and lists the supporting documentation you must submit with the form. The form can be found on our website at

Change Name or Address Form fee:

  • $10 (the $10 fee covers all changes requested and all updated registry cards).

During your renewal period (less than 60 days before your card is due to expire):

Submit an application with the required supporting documents and documentation of your legal name change. The MMMP Application Packet can be found on our website at

Application fees:

  • Patient fee: $60
  • If designating a caregiver, include an additional $25 caregiver fee.
I just mailed my Application Packet, but I forgot to include something important (application fee, proof of Michigan residency, physician certification). Can I send it in now?

No. You will receive a written response from our office that tells you how to resubmit your Application Packet with the required fees and required supporting documents.

Application Packets that are submitted without the required fee(s) and all required supporting documents are considered incomplete and must be denied pursuant to R 333.113(4) of the administrative rules. 

How do I register as a patient (over age 18) with the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP)?

You must submit, in one envelope, a complete MMMP Application Packet, which can be found on our website at

  • A complete Application Form
  • A complete Physician Certification Form (the form is part of the Application Packet)
  • Proof of Michigan residency, which means one of the following:
    • A copy of your valid, lawfully obtained Michigan driver license issued under the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.1 to 257.923, or
    • A copy of your valid, lawfully obtained Michigan personal identification card issued under 1972 PA 222, MCL 28.291 to 28.300, or
    • A copy of your valid Michigan voter registration
      • Note:We will not accept an expired driver license or personal identification card.
      • Note: If you submit a voter registration as proof of Michigan residency, you must submit proof of your identity. Proof of identity can be any government-issued document that includes your name and date of birth.
    • The required application fee (check or money order made payable to: State of Michigan- MMMP)
      • Patient fee: $60
      • If designating a caregiver, include an additional $25 caregiver fee.
    • If you are designating a caregiver, proof of the caregiver’s identity, which means one of the following:
      • A copy of the caregiver’s valid state-issued driver license, or
      • A copy of the caregiver’s valid state-issued personal identification card
    • Any other documents that are required when completing the application (see instructions on Application regarding legal guardianship and Medical Durable Power of Attorney).
How do I register a minor (under the age of 18) with the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP)?

The parent or legal guardian of a minor patient (under 18 years old) must submit, in one envelope, a complete MMMP Minor Application Packet, which can be found on our website at

  • A complete Application Form
  • Two (2) complete Physician Certification Forms signed by two (2) different physicians (the forms are part of the Application Packet)
  • A complete Declaration of Person Responsible Form (the form is part of the Application Packet)
  • Proof of parentage or legal guardianship (a copy of minor’s government-issued birth certificate)
  • Proof of Michigan residency for the minor’s parent or legal guardian, which means one of the following:
    • A copy of the parent or legal guardian’s valid, lawfully obtained Michigan driver license issued under the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.1 to 257.923, or
    • A copy of the parent or legal guardian’s valid, lawfully obtained Michigan personal identification card issued under 1972 PA 222, MCL 28.291 to 28.300, or
    • A copy of the parent or legal guardian’s valid Michigan voter registration
      • Note:If you submit a voter registration as proof of Michigan residency, you must submit proof of your identity for verification purposes. Proof of identity can be any government-issued document that includes your name and date of birth.
      • Note:We will not accept an expired driver license or personal identification card.
    • The $85 required application fee (check or money order made payable to: State of Michigan- MMMP)
• Can someone else sign and date the application if the applicant is mentally or physically incapacitated?

Yes. A court-appointed legal guardian or Medical Durable Power of Attorney (MDPOA) with the authority to sign documents and make medical decisions can apply on behalf of the applicant. The legal guardian or MDPOA must also do the following:

  • Submit legal documentation verifying that he or she is the legal guardian or MDPOA for the applicant. The documentation must clearly state the legal guardian or MDPOA has the authority to sign documents and make medical decisions for the applicant.  
  • If the MDPOA takes effect based on specific conditions, the individual designated as the MDPOA must submit proof that those conditions have been met. For example, if an MDPOA takes effect when a physician(s) determines the applicant is incapable of making his or her own decisions, the individual designated as the MDPOA must submit proof that a physician(s) has made that determination.
How do I remove my current caregiver? I want to grow and possess my own plants. How much is the fee?

You must complete and submit the Remove Caregiver Form. The form includes instructions to complete the form and lists the supporting documentation you must submit with the form. This form should only be used if you are not designating another person as your new caregiver plan to grow and possess your own plants. The form can be found on our website at

The Michigan Medical Marijuana Program will send your patient written notice that you will no longer be his or her caregiver and issue him or her a new registry identification card without a designated caregiver.

Remove Caregiver Form fee:

  • $10
How do I get a replacement registry identification card if mine is lost, stolen, or damaged?

You must complete and submit the Request Replacement Card(s) Form. The form includes instructions and lists the supporting documentation you must submit with the form. The form can be found on our website at

Replace Lost or Stolen Card Form fee:

  • $10 (the $10 fee covers all replacement cards requested).
I have an active patient registry identification card and I recently moved. How do I update my address on my registry card? How much is the fee?

Prior to your renewal period (more than 60 days before your card is due to expire):

You must complete the Change Name or Address Form. The form includes instructions and lists the supporting documentation you must submit with the form. The form can be found on our website at

Change Name or Address Form fee:

  • $10 (the $10 fee covers all changes requested and all updated registry cards)

During your renewal period (less than 60 days before your card is due to expire):
Submit an application with the required supporting documents and your new address. The MMMP Application Packet can be found on our website at

Application fees:

  • Patient fee: $60
  • If designating a caregiver, include an additional $25 caregiver fee.


Yes. If a patient designates a caregiver, administrative rule R 333.111(2) requires that the caregiver pay a $25 processing fee. The administrative rules for the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program can be found on our website at

Do I have to designate a primary caregiver?

No. If you are 18 years of age or older, you are not required to designate a caregiver. However, MCL 333.26426(b) requires that the parent or legal guardian of a minor patient act as the minor patient’s caregiver. The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act can be found on our website at

Renewal Application Questions

Do I have to provide proof of my Michigan residency when I renew my registry identification card?

Yes. You must submit one of the following:

  • A copy of your valid, lawfully obtained Michigan driver license issued under the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.1 to 257.923, or
  • A copy of your valid, lawfully obtained Michigan personal identification card issued under 1972 PA 222, MCL 28.291 to 28.300, or
  • A copy of your valid Michigan voter registration
    • Note: We will not accept an expired driver license or personal identification card.
    • Note: If you submit a voter registration, you must also submit proof of identity for verification purposes. Proof of identity can be any government-issued document that shows both your name and date of birth.
How do I renew my registry identification card?
  • The process is the same as when you initially applied for a registry identification card. The MMMP Application Packet can be found on our website at
How do I notify the MMMP that my primary caregiver has passed away?
  • Either you or your caregiver’s family must submit a true copy of your caregiver’s death certificate. We will then change the status of your deceased caregiver’s registry card to inactive.
  • The MMMP will issue you a new registry identification card without a designated caregiver.
When do I renew my registry identification card?

You may submit a renewal application beginning 60 days prior to the expiration date on your patient registry identification card.

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